Dwan Newman, RD, LDN, CNSC

Feeding your Body and Brain

Feeding your Body and Brain:

A healthy diet after brain injury is essential for optimum recovery. Nutrition is an important part of brain injury recovery because both the brain and body need proper nutrients in order to heal. Without good nutrition, malnutrition is common and can impair healing, rehabilitation and increase risk for infections. Learn how nutritional therapy with food and nutritional supplements can help provide important calories, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to improve both our overall health and our brain function.

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About Dwan Newman, RD, LDN, CNSC:

Dwan is a pediatric dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience caring for children in the in-patient and out-patient settings, specifically with Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, most recently at Texas Childrens Hospital. She understands the importance of nutrition for healing and believes a patient centered care model in essential to achieving the best possible outcomes with her patients. She previously managed adult TBI patients in both the Neuro ICU and step-down units at Massachusetts General Hospital. She is currently a Clinical Science Liaison at Kate Farms.

You can learn more about Kate Farms by clicking here!


Contact Information:

Email- dwan.newman@katefarms.com


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