Jonathan Parr, PT & Shelby Foti, PT, DPT
Alternative Exercise Methods to Improve Brain Neuroplasticity
Alternative Exercise Methods to Improve Brain Neuroplasticity:
The purpose of the presentation is to provide information on alternative ways to engage those who are not cognitively able to participate in exercises while making it fun using in traditional strength and conditioning principles versus purely rehabilitation exercises
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About Jonathan Parr, PT:
Jonathan has been a PT for 13 years with specializations in TBI, strokes, spinal cord injuries, and complex neuro conditions
About Shelby Foti, PT, DPT:
Shelby, a former cross fit athlete and one of PARR PT’s physical therapy specialists, works with complex neurological conditions related to TBI, Spinal cord injury, and Parkinson’s disease. She uses alternative methods to exercises to help with brain neuroplasticity to achieve faster and greater results. She is currently part of the gait training research being performed at PARR PT.
You can learn more about Parr PT by clicking here!
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