Age At Accident
7 years old
Braden suffered an anoxic brain injury in 2013 following cardiac arrest after being shot in the heart with a pellet gun. He was without a heart beat for 22 minutes, suffering severe brain swelling and a stroke. His family was told that Braden would only make it 24 more hours, but 5 months after his accident he came home. At that time, he could not see, walk, or talk. Now, Braden’s vision has returned and he won’t stop talking!
Kristy (Braden’s mother): “Braden has gone from a diagnosis of most likely not ever going to see again… To his vision coming back completely!! Last year his vision was 250/20 and now it’s 60/20… Nothing short of a miracle. He’s able to start recognizing his letters and numbers and can run, jump and walk with no assistance! It’s all due to the help of Hope4minds and the HBOT therapy!!! There’s no words that can express our gratitude.”