Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute

What's all that buzz about MNRI? by Laurie Longest, PT

What’s all that buzz about MNRI?:

MNRI® has been referred to as “The Missing Link” for neurologically based challenges by addressing brain stem level skills instead of using the traditional therapy cortical approach. With the end goal being integration of the primary reflex patterns, MNRI® also addresses regulation of the sensory system, regulation of muscle tone, the auditory/visual/vestibular systems, oral motor coordination, and trauma recovery as parallel challenges. This presentation will introduce you to the amazing tasks of primary reflexes as a basis for protection & survival, neuroplasticity, and neurodevelopment including the creation of the nerve net system, myelination of neurons, and overall functionality of the body-brain system. The lecture will continue with an explanation of how MNRI® can pattern, or repattern, primary reflexes to achieve overall development (or redevelopment after a trauma) in motor abilities, feeding, language, cognition, and social skills. The presentation will conclude with a few case studies. Come find out how to achieve your goals by awakening your natural genetic intelligence!

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About Laurie Longest, PT:

Laurie Longest is a developmental pediatric physical therapist. She began her MNRI® training in early 2010 and is an MNRI® core specialist, instructor, and lectures regularly for The Masgutova Integrative NeuroDevelopmental Sciences Group. She is currently researching the effects of MNRI® post NFD with Dr. Masgutova, and organizes the MNRI family conferences for NFD and HIE clients.


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