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Support Group

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Support Groups

TLHFM Virtual Support Groups Form

The impact of brain injury is life changing for survivors, caregivers, and other family members. While every situation is unique, families still face similar challenges. Support groups provide an opportunity to connect with families and professionals who understand your experiences, inspire learning, healing, empowerment and hope.

Team Luke Hope for Minds offers several types of virtual support groups:

Open Forum Support Group

“Open forum” support groups are a space where you can build community with other caregivers by encouraging and guiding one another in a meaningful way. In open forum support groups, you can talk openly about your feelings without judgment, and reduce feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression. 

Sibling Support Group

“Sibling” support groups encourage brothers and sisters of children with acquired brain injury to meet other siblings and talk about their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and challenges. Siblings learn effective coping skills to manage difficult emotions and explore new perspectives of living with a sibling with a brain injury. Siblings also have fun playing games, laughing, and talking to other children they relate to. 

Dad Support Group

“Dad” support groups provide an opportunity for dads of children with an acquired brain injury to connect, build community, and encourage one another.

TBI Survivor Support Group

“TBI Survivor” support groups allow older teens/young adults to meet other brain injury survivors, share stories, advice, and gain a sense of community and empowerment.

Marriage Support Group

“Your Marriage Matters” support groups are led by a licensed professional to help guide couples overcome obstacles together, and maintain a healthy marriage in spite of challenges brought on by raising a child with a brain injury.

Grief/Loss Support Group

“Layers of Loss-Ambiguous Loss” support group led by Dr. Mark Vande Braak, the Director of Grief, Loss, and Trauma at Lutheran Family Services.

Grupo de Apoyo

“Grupo de Apoyo” es un espacio donde puede construir una comunidad con otros padres, animándose y guiándose unos a otros de manera significativa. En los grupos de apoyo puede hablar abiertamente sobre sus sentimientos sin juzgar, reducir los sentimientos de soledad, aislamiento y depression.

Focused Support Groups

“Focused” support groups allow professionals to present on various topics related to pediatric brain injury and support for caregivers. You will have opportunities to increase understanding about brain injury, get feedback about treatment options, and learn about local, state, and federal resources.

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