Step by Step Sign-Up and Registration
Go to the Austin Marathon page and register
Select which race you’d like to run/walk
On the first registration page in the “Join a Team” choose “Team Luke Hope For Minds” as the team you want to run with
Confirm Registration and move on the the second page
On the second page of registration scroll down to the bottom of the page and there is a section labeled “Austin Gives Miles” where it allows you to choose a charity.
Choose Team Luke Hope For Minds here
Continue through the registration process and complete payment
Once you’ve registered you will receive an email from us or CrowdRise with a link to your fundraising page
On your fundraising page – this is through a website called CrowdRise
Choose a picture from the selection of pictures we’ve provided. If you want to run for a specific child, we can send you pictures of that child to post <link to Running for a specific child section>
Write up a story about why you’re running for TLHFM and what you’re looking to raise. Or if you’re running for a specific child, you can write about their story.
Once your page is complete, start sharing and fundraising!
Tips and tricks how to fundraise here <link to tips/trips for fundraising section below>